7 Habits

7 Habits of Highly Effective Mattopians

Baz Luhrmann's Production of Puccini's La Boheme
(Springtime in Matthattan)
22 March 2003

Bono, Baz, Mattimus - we're all on the same team.
Baz at Elevation in New Jersey

Moulin Rouge that same summer; one of my top dozen favorite films of all time
La Boheme on Broadway - incredible staging
same theatre I saw Les Miserables for the first time, a week before it moved down the block; saw Miss Saigon with Jonathan Pryce there
Back then, it seemed like such a huge theatre; it seemed smaller this go around; maybe it's because I've gotten so much bigger...

Disappointed to see Mujibur and Sirajul's Rock America store, next to the Ed Sullivan Theater (Dave's show) is now closed.

La Boheme

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