7 Habits

7 Habits of Highly Effective Mattopians

This Explains Everything, Dear Aries
23 June 2003

Here's another one of those too-close-for comfort astrological updates to help explain the inner workings of the Mattopian mind, courtesy of the Yahoo! Astrocenter.

Dear Aries,

Your sign is that of energetic Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the sign that is associated with Spring, and the symbol of rebirth and all beginnings.

Mars, the planet of action, is the ruler of your sign, and provides you with an extra portion of activity, assertiveness, and willpower. This makes you the fighter and the pioneer of the zodiac, who faces challenges with courage and bravery. If you do something you do it with passion and determination! If something bores you, you quickly move on to more interesting things.

You are the first of the three fire signs, an ambitious and charismatic individual, cheerful and enthusiastic in your undertakings. Others see you as outgoing and self-confident, and like to be around you.

As an Aries, you rule the first house, the section in the chart wheel that describes the outward behavior of a person, the disposition, appearance, manners, and the sense of self.

You are a cardinal sign, which means that you don't wait around until others take action. In other words, you initiate action immediately, forcefully, and directly.

Your strengths lie in your qualities as a leader; you inspire and motivate others with your enthusiasm, honesty, and straightforwardness. Since you are competitive, you need challenges like others need air to breathe. You are known for pushing any obstacles out of the way, and trust your instinctive nature. Your independence and power allow you to achieve your goals easily.

However, you have your share of weaknesses, too; for example, you can be impatient, and run the risk of acting too impulsively. At times, you can be self-centered, and tend to overlook that others might have a different point of view. When they do, you can become stubborn and intolerant. Also, since you are slightly unorganized and unsettled, you are capable of driving others crazy.

Editor's Note: That last paragraph is a bunch of crap.


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